
Snide..Check..Arrogant.. Check..Asshole... And Check!

Via Sadly No, I was pointed to the Uppish blog with a great shorter summary of Mr. Bush's interview with the Irish journalist:

Bush: Guess what? I'm a snide, arrogant, asshole who can't wipe the smirk off my face because I'm so gosh darned proud of myself for getting through that last sentence without screwing it up.

Reporter: Mr. President, back to the war in Iraq...

Bush: Let me finish! I keep telling you how to do your job and you keep not doing it right. Guess what? I'm not done reciting empty phrases about freedom-loving 'mericans.

Reporter: Mr. President.....

Bush: Let me finish! Look, you ask the questions and I'll answer them, ya see. I'll answer them and guess what? You won't have a clue what the hell I'm talking about when I'm done. But guess what? That's ok because neither will I.

Reporter: Mr. President, the world is not a safer place now....

Bush: Let me finish! I'm the supreme commander of the world and the world is a better place because of me....er....and a few other people. But mostly me. Listen, was the world a safe place on 9/11? No, but it is now because Saddam Hussein is in power....er....not in power. Phew. Almost screwed that one up. But guess what? I don't want to talk about dead people. I want to talk about the world being a safer better place. If I keep repeating it, it just might come true.
I'd say that about sums it up. Nice work, folks.