
Calling Every Good Reagan Idolizing, Bush Worshipping, KKK-supporting extreme winger

Please: If you fit the above description, I implore you to do WHATEVER you can to be sure that no one goes to see "Fahrenheit 911" when it opens later today. For example, you can:

    * write letters to the newspaper in protest (I'll even help you with those really tough two-syllable words)
    * Tell everyone in your church or shooting club or "Protect Life By Killing Abortion Doctors" chapter or KKK unit that God won't love them if they see this film
    * Tell your older kids that watching "Fahrenheit 911" will lead to demon sex
    * Picket in front of the theater; maybe put a sign on your truck
    * Call the White House each and every day reporting that you still haven't seen that bleeping film
    * Call everyone in your town each day telling them the same
See, if you do that, more people than EVER will turn out to see "Fahrenheit 911", and it may ecclipse "The Passion" in box office take. People might get so mad at what the film portrays (just in the actual news clips) that they'll make a point to vote in November.

And maybe, just maybe, they'll stay mad enough that when these lying ass computerized voting machines suddenly say that a precinct or city that never votes for a Republican suddenly gave Bush every single vote, these angry people won't just sit back and wait for the wronged Dem to concede to Bush after the Supreme Court steps in. Hell, maybe they'll even get very angry with the Supreme Court and start a referendum which changes the very nature of the Supreme Court into one where such imbalanced people like Antonin Scalia would not be allowed to sit.

So really, as Michael Moore says, "please try to stop the movie from being seen by the public. It's the best publicity possible!"