
More Lies?

Via Buzzflash, I saw the quotes below on Democratic Underground, and then went back to read the CNN transcript regarding our government's supposed translation of the audio on the tape of Nick Berg's death.

NASR: Yes, and if you listen to these voices that we're hearing on Arab networks, Iraqis are condemning this execution. And they're saying these are foreigners. These are not Iraqis. They do not represent us and so forth.

Now, of course, the original claim was that Zarqawi is the actual man who performed this execution. Our experts listened to the accent, as you said, and they determined the accent is not Jordanian...

O'BRIEN: He is a Jordanian who is working supposedly, allegedly, at the behest of al Qaeda in Iraq. So go ahead.

NASR: Right, he is very close to bin Laden, and works, you're right, as an agent of al Qaeda in Iraq. Now, the accent is not Jordanian so that takes the Jordanian element out of the story immediately.

O'BRIEN: Interesting. All right, now one final thought here. You did a very careful translation of your own, of the statement. And in it, you see no reference to al Qaeda. And yet the official U.S. government translation does. Explain how that happened.

NASR: Oh, I find it very interesting, because out of the blue, there is a mention of al Qaeda on the U.S. government translation. It says: "Does al Qaeda need any further excuses?" Any speaker of the Arabic language is going to notice a difference between the word al Qaeda, which means "the base," and al qaed, which means "the one sitting, doing nothing."

Something is very fishy. Several folks around the net who did see the tape - I have not, nor could I translate it if I had - say there are Russians or Chechens speaking at different points.

And the man identified as the so-called Jordanian-born Osama bin Laden 2nd lieutenant is not only masked, he's NOT speaking with a Jordanian accent. Then there's the little matter of there being no mention, as the government alleges, of al Qaeda on the tape.

So who then had Nick Berg? Who killed him? Why is the government falling all over itself giving conflicting information? Some of what I'm thinking right now frankly scares me.