
Democrats for Life

Author and analyst Amy Sullivan is the guest blogger over at Kevin Drum's Political Animal blog at Washington Monthly, and her post, as Kevin cites, is apt to cause some controversy.

Specifically, she talks about the treatment of a couple who brought their two children to a Kerry rally along with signs saying, "Democrats for Life." Namely, that they were made to feel none too welcome.

Look, I feel bringing - or not bringing - a life into this world is a highly personal decision that in no way should be determined by a bunch of fat, fool white men who happily write dumbass laws (and probably are responsible for arranging a few abortions for their paramours in private - since "family values" means something different to these folks) that directly affect a woman's body and the entire rest of her life.

However, with that said, what is the problem with including people who are pro-Dem, pro-Kerry, but who feel differently? Let the GOP be the party of exclusion and hypocrisy.

Adults can disagree on particular issues while still maintaining the same overall goals. Really. It can be done. Without bloodshed, even.