
Why Is The U.S. Looking Only At Israel To Please Them? GOP Votes for November Is Why

So many Lebanese can die in Israel's hunt for Hezbollah just so Rick Santorum and his ilk can get re-elected in November and beyond. Nice. Funny thing is I've been around some of these movers and shakers and, in private, you probably could not find a more decidedly anti-Semitic crowd, but they're more than willing to pander so long as they keep power. ::shaking head in disgust::

From today's WaPo:

Republicans are hoping a strong defense of Israel translates into greater support among Jewish voters this fall, but the biggest political benefits are likely to come long after the 2006 campaign concludes, according to political and demographic experts studying Jewish voting trends.

The Jewish group proving most receptive to Republican overtures over the past decade is among the smallest: Orthodox Jews. Right now, they account for roughly 10 percent of the estimated 5.3 million Jews in the United States, hardly enough to tip most elections.

This is likely to change significantly in the years ahead because Orthodox Jews are the fastest-growing segment of the Jewish population, raising the possibility that one of the most reliable Democratic voting blocs will be increasingly in play in future elections, according to surveys of Jewish voting and religious and social habits.

"The likelihood is there will be a very quick jump in the number of orthodox as the baby boomers age and die," said David A. Harris of the American Jewish Committee, a nonpartisan organization that conducts an annual survey of Jews. "They will be increasingly replaced by Orthodox children who are more" in line with Republicans.
I sincerely doubt that the future of American Judaism is with the Orthodox Jews. Granted, they are much more likely to have far more offspring than Reformed Jews, but still...

What I said above about how men like Santorum will pander holds true. I think most of us - those with any morality whatsoever - would think that anyone they would not invite to their own dinner table or speak with if they didn't need something from that person is not someone you should pander to. But the Santorums and Hatches and Hasterts of the world will look down their nose at Jews - which is heinously wrong to do - while in public courting their votes.

I think many Jews understand that the GOP is only pandering to them and feel comfortable in resisting such efforts, as they should. They see the GOP do the same thing with other groups, like blacks and Hispanics, being nice to them in public and completely insulting once the klieg lights are dimmed.