
Bill Frist looked very nervous

When Bill Frist, Senate Majority Leader, appeared on TV late last night, he both looked scared and said this was ricin in the Senate mailrooms. Now a Wallingsford, CT post office is investigating suspicious white powder that came out of an envelope en route through there.

Yet the government never mentions the anthrax attacks of Autumn 01 anymore. They went after Steven Hatfill, drudged ponds (at millions of dollars each), and yet, nothing has ever come of it. I suspected then that because the attacks in the Senate then were against Leahy and Daschle, both Dems, and against the so-called liberal media, not to mention the "lowly" USPS workers, we would not find out since the source of the anthrax may have come from our own defense labs.

Let's see what happens when a GOPer is targeted.