
The Libby No-Apology Apologists: Lying, Endangering Government Operatives, Obstructing Justice No Crime

In many ways, the trial of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, once Vice President Dick Cheney's right-hand man on the right whom some say has become even wealthier since he was indicted by the feds and put on trial (strange how that works again and again for the Bush crew), has really offered few surprises.

Just as we expected, Libby and his supporters insist he committed no crime, since - to this group - lying, obstructing justice, and outing by leaking the name of a covert CIA operative (Valerie Plame, wife of the former Ambassador Joe Wilson the Bushies wanted to punish for refuting their Iraq blabber) involved in finding illegal weapons of mass destruction, is just all in a day's work for those who would protect this president.

Today, as the Libby defense began its case against PlameGate, WaPo's Walter Pincus joined others like Robert Novak and Bob Woodward in claiming someone else, like former White House spokesweasel Ari Fleischer provided the name of the Valerie Plame.

What seems to escape almost everyone is that it IS wrong what they did and just as wrong what they keep doing (and did again this weekend in making a manufactured, totally anonymous case against Iran as the responsible party for all things evil in Iraq).

It also seems to escape just about everyone that the people who should be on trial are George Bush and Cheney (and their co-horts), not just for impeachment, but for crimes against the nation defined as treason.