
Did You Know That Gay Republicans Are Actually Democrats In The Closet?

[Ed. note: Our sincere wishes for Jesus' General's swift - and manly! - return to perfect health and a score of 11 on 1-10 manliness scale!]

I tell you, I had no idea. I really didn't.

It never entered my mind to think that Ken Mehlman (Chairman of the Republican National Committee), Karl Rove, Jeff Gannon, Mark Foley, Jonah Goldberg, David Drier (sp?), Byron York, Lindsey Graham, David Frum, OR even "I am no girly man" Arnold Schwarzenegger along with "The Passion of the Bigot" Mel Gibson are not just extremely happy (such as gay) but also closet Democrats.

Thank God that Jesus' General is able to refer us to "rocket scientist" Cliff Kincade who, posting at News With Views, offers us this fine bit of critical analysis:

The complex nature of the “dirty trick” against the Republicans over the Mark Foley scandal is beginning to emerge. It doesn’t involve a George Soros-funded group or emails that had been in the possession of the media or shopped around by Democratic operatives. Instead, the GOP has played a trick on itself. The party brought so-called gay Republicans into positions of power in Congress only to realize that the confidential information they held about a secret gay network was political dynamite that could backfire.


So if the gay Republicans are not really Republicans, what are they? One veteran observer of this network told AIM that the Foley scandal should make it crystal clear that the gay Republicans are in reality “liberal activists” who want to use the party to advance the same homosexual agenda embraced by the Democrats.


It seems appropriate to note that one of the few Republicans financially supported by the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund, the pro-Democratic group to which Trandahl made his contributions in 2000, was Rep. Jim Kolbe. Was the first “openly gay” Republican member of Congress a closeted Democrat as well? It’s certainly the case that he started acting more like a Democrat once his secret life was exposed.