
WNBC-TV Promotes Interview with Iranian President Denying the Holocaust Happens... Yet Does NOT Show That in Its Exclusive Interview

[Ed. note: I know the holocaust happened. I've interviewed one ranking Nazi in Hitler's ranking command, another of much lesser rank (both who admitted freely that people were exterminated in camps in mass volumes), and both spoken with and formally interviewed both survivors and survivors' families. This, however, is about the media distortion of what someone said when they do not show an interview that indeed reports what they said he said.]

Tonight, WNBC-TV - the New York flagship station for the NBC network - spent some time promoting the fact that Iranian president Ahmadinejad had, in an interview with Brian Williams, denied the holocaust ever occurred. They cut quickly from their own report on the UN General Assembly opening and the public remarks of Bush and Ahmadinejad to this Williams' interview.

Strangely, however, this interview never showed Ahmadinejad denying it. He does say (to paraphrase) that 60 million people died in the global experience of World War II and, when pressed by Williams, says that so many people died of so many races and religions, why is there a need to segregate only one group of people as special victims.

Now, I point this out for a couple of reasons. The strongest is the fact that I've seen a huge volume of reports that indicate that the U.S. and British media often assign words to Ahmadinejad that he has not himself uttered - these reports are by translators who say there is something quite wrong in the translations used by publications like The New York Times, to name a few.

I don't happen to speak fluent Iranian. I bet few of you do, either. So it's really hard to say what Ahmadinejad does actually say since he speaks only a few words in English. Personally, at this point, I'd like some kind of independent confirmation of these translations rather than take the government or media's word which means bupkis.

But I can say how badly words ascribed to Ahmadinejad play, not only in the Jewish community but among others, including the Romas (so-called gypsies), and even among someone like me who feels that not only is the Holocaust a most terrible event that we cannot repeat (but sadly, have - we knew about the Jews for a long time before we acted which is UNCONSCIONABLE and yet we probably killed far more millions of civilians in the fire bombings of Dresden and Tokyo, and the atomic and hydrogen bombings of a Japan we knew was about to fall anyway).

Second is the fact that I'm very concerned that we're doing everything possible to demonize Iran. Israel today claimed Iran was just weeks from a major nuclear program. It's bullshit, but it got attention.