
Sad But No Surprise: Vast Majority of 9-11 Rescue & Recovery Workers Suffer Huge Health Problems

Next time you ask yourself whether President Bush is telling the truth about an issue or not, consider the any number of huge lies George Bush told JUST about 9-11:

- that we would not rest until Osama bin Laden was caught
- that he would be sure the Federal government reimbursed everyone for the grave losses that day
- that they would NOT let workers on the World Trade Center site UNLESS it was safe for them to do so (which we KNOW now is not true and Bush and the government KNEW was not true on 9/12/01)
- that they would gladly pay health bill of anyone who did get sick as a result of the recovery work (the Bushies fight this reimbursement every step of the way)

And this is just a few of the lies. Consider too that if you think it took awhile for Bush to appear down in the site of Katrina's aftermath, the president also waited many days before he showed up at Ground Zero (the chickenshit chickenhawk)