
Mr. Bush Says No to Race-Based College Admissions

You have to hand it to George W. Bush - and frankly, I'd love to hand him his walking papers along with his eviction notice from the people's house, his true bill of indictment for perpetrating some of the worst war crimes that recorded history has ever noted, and even his head although there is ZERO evidence that Mr. Bush has ever used his head for anything more than anchoring a cowboy hat. Indeed, Mr. Bush has told us time and again that admission to schools of higher education should never, ever, ever be based on race as it was for many years under Affirmative Action.

No, the ultra progressive and ever so thoughtful Mr. Bush wants a prospective college student's admission to the school of his or her choice based ONLY on the following criteria (which, incidentally, are responsible for his admission into every school he attended after that embarrassing little matter of Dubya being expelled from pre-Kindergarten for poor grades and, OF COURSE, cheating on his Show and Tell presentations):

  1. parents' ability to pay the tuition bill (after all, we don't want poor trash going to college, right?), and
  2. legacy admissions based on a system where a school MUST allow you to matriculate IF your poppy or your poppy's poppy went to that school ahead of you (you can't honestly believe that Dubya got into Yale or Harvard based on his academic record); Bush can't even spell Yale (says it has far too many syllables along with tricky spelling)