
Frequently right-maligned George Soros Donates $50M to Africa to Fight AIDS and Poverty

The BBC reports that billionaire George Soros will give $50 million to a U.N. project to combat both AIDS (which has completely devastated huge portions of the entire continent) and poverty in Africa. Good for George, just as I have been very pleased that Microsoft magnate Bill Gates has contributed huge sums.

This becomes even more important when, as we know, all the money (which was really just a drop in the bucket) George Bush pledged (always making it sound like it's his money when almost every other American pays far more in tax dollars commiserate with their income than he does and certainly more than the great recipient of the Bushie tax breaks, "Duck, it's Dick!" Cheney - who pocketed more than $2M in refunds just for 2005) a bundle to Africa and then simply never gave the money.

The Bushies have hamstrung every dollar to Africa because they don't want any AIDS-fighting money to advocate any means of birth control and stopping sexually transmitted diseases that isn't abstinence only (unconscionable fools).