
Tom DeLay, the Dems, and Ethics Reform

David Sirota brings us another good piece in which he says Democrats have a unique opportunity to push through intelligent, sane ethics reform.

Let me add a few personal thoughts to what David has stated well.

When we vote for someone, it's not our intention that we're putting them in Washington to become multi-millionaires. Yet that's often the result. And not just for the people we elect, but also their kids, their sibligs, their spouses. The majority of those who go to Washington are fairly well-heeled (by most American standards) before they get there, and the rules are written to allow them to become far richer before they leave (and don't get me started on the RIDICULOUS pension we pay them even when they've served just a short time).

A man like Tom DeLay who started life as a bug exterminator probably isn't accustomed to spending $80K on a big dinner or a golf trip - paid for by someone else - nor do I think he should when it ends up coming out of our pockets.

I want a complete reform of ethics in Washington that would prevent friends and family from becoming lobbyists or having any thing to do with that politician once they do.

I want that reform to be across the board - not just for Dems, not just for Reps.

We pay our legislators an incredible sum (most make at least $140K in base salary). They don't need all the extras when they already have the best health care and pension in the country.

I want that reform to include rules that DO NOT ALLOW a politician or someone working for a politician to take a job with a corporate or private interest for at least two years after they leave office where that corp/private interest involves them using their connections to screw normal Americans.