
Press Burying Bolton Bad News?

From Michael at AmericaBlog:

Late last night, John posted a Newsweek story that even foreign officials had been complaining about the behavior of John Bolton, Bush's nominee for the UN.

And what do I find on page A-8 of the SundayNYT? A feature on newly released email about Bolton battles that should have been on A-1.
    The most serious charge against Bolton is that he pressured intelligence analysts to change their findings to suit his political aims and -- when they said they'd given him all the leeway they could -- he harrassed them and tried to get them fired. Bolton's fights were not with one or two recalcitrant intelligence analysts that proved annoying.
According to these emails, Bolton fought with and tried to strong arm and inspired complaints from:
    1. The State Department's bureau of intelligence and research (INR)
    2. The National Security Agency
    3. Defense Intelligence Agency
    4. Central Intelligence Agency
Yes, my God: it's clear! John Bolton will just be fabulous on the U.N. (not!)