
Shameless Plug: "Buying Rx Drugs Online"

One of the projects that kept me so busy the last few months is now out: "Buying Rx Drugs Online". It's a one-of-a-kind book that explores the burgeoning offerings of prescription drugs online but also looks at all the vendors out there who aren't quite legit.

In it, you'll:

    * see how to weed out the illegals from the legit
    * understand why you need to involve your medical professionals even if you're trying to chart your own treatment course
    * learn how to find information about the drugs you take, their interactions with other meds, and their side effects
    * find out how to determine whether your kids are pharming
    * much, much more

Here's the link to buy it from Amazon (they'll say it's not released yet, but in fact, it came out last night). It makes a great home reference title.