
More on Reagan's Passing

From Times New Roman, a Canadian-based blog I found at Skippy's:

The United States will no doubt be thrown into mourning for the next few days. A&E will air his biography, and there will be all manner of special reports. Any semblance of a news cycle dedicated to the continuing debacle of the Bush Doctrine in practice is now blown to bits. You must give Reagan credit, his sense of timing, so finely honed by years in Hollywood, is superb to the last.

Though he might be gone, his legacy and his political offspring are clearly alive and well—thriving in fact. Perle (his Asst. Sec. Defense), Wolfowitz (Director of Policy Planning for the State Dept and then as Asst Sec State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs), Cheney (Sec Defense for Bush Sr.), and Rumsfeld (no small hand in Reagan’s foreign policy), not to mention his VP’s boy, are chafing in his over-sized saddle, reaping the whirlwind of the kind of greed-blinkered thinking with a smile that Reagan personified. This group of uber-Reagan fans has done more damage to the United States and the West by association than Reagan would have ever tolerated during his administrations, but they still do it in his name—and presumably will continue to do so in his memory(largely because Bush junior’s name means jack shit).
Well said.