
Is it Just Me?

Or does The Sopranos suck this season?

I'd like to think I've simply grown up, no longer content with vicious mobster killings, people committed to screwing people over, and unhappy with people who scratch every itch with a 15" dagger. Or maybe watching the Bush Administration is enough organized crime for me.

Seriously, though, I've never found anyone on that show a truly compelling, likeable character. Sure, I was bummed tonight when Steve Buscemi's character got this close to making it only to dump it all away. But that's not all. Carmela is a user extraordinaire. She can pass judgement on Tony (ick) but she sure wants his money, even knowing how it's made. Adriana and Christopher deserve each other; we can only hope they don't have any children. Meadow's gonna grow up to be Victoria Gotti (but with even less talent). Melfi's not worth the bother. But then, none of them are.

Life just seems too short to watch a show where no one seems capable or even motivated to make life not such a sh*thole. The same holds true for our current WH administration. Come on, November 2004!