
One hour

That's how much time the president will deign to grant just two members of the 9/11 investigation.

And based on his MTP interview earlier this month, Bush could spend up to 15 minutes using the word "context", another five discussing his imperatives as a War President (caps deliberate), and then another 10 giving the commission members cute nicknames.

That brings us down to 30 minutes.

Of all the things Mr. Bush has done, this may actually be the one I resent most. He's invoked hell on earth in the name of 9/11, but God forbid he help into its proper investigation. If I were a survivor or the family of someone who died, I would be rabidly unhappy.

Although, in some respects today, we're all survivors of 9/11. The entire world. Thanks to Mr. Bush. And I don't mean that in a positive way about how well he protected us.