Bush Ordered Justice Department NOT to Probe Illegal Wiretaps and Monitoring
When is enough enough? When do we decide as citizens to STOP Mr. Bush's relentless efforts to turn the U.S. into a KGB-monitored police state?
TPM Muckraker says senior DoJ officials were "stunned" that the president would halt any probe or other investigation into his practice of illegal monitoring of citizens without any warrants and without involvement by the FISA courts. But how stunned could they possibly be considering Alberto Gonzalez, head of the Department of Justice, has never ever managed to say no to George Bush?
Of course, since then, we've had chief White House slut, Arlen Specter, masquerading as the head of the Senate Judiciary Committee, tell Mr. Bush he can do anything he wants, whenever he wants, to whomever he wants, regardless of silly little documents like the U.S. Constitution.
Gee, Arlen, most whores at least get paid. All you get is more sodomy.