That Pakistan or India or hell, even France, learned that a suspected terrorist was in downtown Chicago or Salt Lake City or Boston. They decided to launch an air strike to take out that terrorist.
But, hey, life isn't perfect so not only did they fail to kill the terrorist (who has had no trial and is not convicted of the crime - only "intelligence" tells us this person is at fault and that same intelligence has been wrong again and again and again and again and again), but they happen to kill 18-20 civilians including women and children instead.
Think, "oops!" would cut it?
Yet that is our way of handling al Zawahiri in Pakistan and the death of hundreds now Iraqis when trying to get al-Zarqawi. We do this repeatedly, and we simply don't understand why Iraqis and Pakistanis would fuss.
The War on Terror is creating far more terror than it is resolving. Not just in creating many new people angry and willing to join the martyr cause, but our actions are terrorizing innocent civilians. What the hell is going on and why are we allowing it?