Bush Rubs People the Wrong Way - But CNN Has It All Wrong
Read this tripe from CNN and you might believe that the Web has taken wwwwaaaaaaaayyyout of proportion the story of President Bush's highly inappropriate - and completely unwanted by its recipient - backrub he delivered to Angela Merkel, the leader of Germany. Look at video of the event and you see Merkel is quite horrified. I believe her reaction was wholly just and appropriate; it was Bush that was - as usual - out of sync with reality.
No, the bloggers and the 'net did not distort Mr. Bush's wildly uncool action: the mainstream media in the U.S. did that by presenting the event at the G8 summit as a "light-hearted" moment, as an act of kindness by the leader of one nation to another, and similarly abusing the truth.
Outside the U.S., this story did not play well at all. With many Americans of even average intelligence, it did not play well either. One doesn't have to be a "lefty" blogger to figure it out, folks.
What Mr. Bush did was not simply embarrassing for us, it was a demeaning, harassing act for a man to do to a woman in public let alone at an important meeting between world leaders with multiple wars ongoing, many of them of Mr. Bush's making. Bush didn't "get" it at the time although the look on Merkel's face as he approached her, before he ever laid a grubby paw on her, was unmistakable. I'm sure he doesn't "get" it now.
And apparently CNN STILL doesn't get it. Which is a shame. It should make a few people question what else they distort (a LOT, and on a regular basis).