Again and again the last few days, I've heard folks- particularly Texans - remarking to news crews, "Everyone hurried in to help those folks in New Orleans. Well, let's see what they do for us. We're the tax and bill payers and the backbone of this country. Let's see if they do as well by us as they did by those (and there's always been a hint of something they're holding back about who the affected were in Katrina vs Rita) before us."
First, I didn't see a lot of Katrina folks having a great time. In fact, the only folks having a good time are people like Bush's pal Joe Allbaugh who's set to make a mint off the disaster as well as Ol Miss governor Haley Barbour, friend of the KKKCCC that he is - Barbour I hear has just procured a huge no bid contract for debris removal for his private company. Halliburton and Bechtel are making out, too.
Yet the anger for some of these folks isn't the fat cats that their boy George has done so well by; instead, some Texans feel angry that "Nobody's here dropping us TVs and debit cards and checks and foods like Katrina victims" I heard today, suggesting that the poor blacks of Katrina got a festival and a parade.
However Hurricane Rita plays out - and it certainly did enough damage - nobody's talking about "not rebuilding Texas" as they are with low income Nola. But regardless, it's going to increase the red-blue divide; the Texas sense among those political players who espouse the belief that they have to screw everybody a little harder because they don't get treated well on their own.
Listen to poor ol Tom DeLay, and you'd swear that chucklehead has never had a nickel he didn't have to mint himself. DeLay, the multi millionaire bugman who controls what we still mistakenly call a democracy.
Texas has a lot of decent people, but it's got way too many DeLays, too. And they're going to be milking Rita and fat cat contracts and such for every cent they can while they sneer at the rest of us for letting them get away with it.