I can't open my email box without getting campaign mail from Diana Irey, apparently a Pennsylvania candidate running on a platform of defeating Jack Murtha. Based on her campaign Web site - which goes out of its way NOT to identify her political affiliation - I'd guess she's a fair weather Rethuglican.
Now I've never lived in Pennsylvania and I'm certainly not registered to vote there. Hell, I can count on hands and feet the number of times I've even visited the state. So I keep asking why the hell Irey sends me all this hate mail about Jack Murtha. If she and her campaign workers is as organized as her incessant emails to me implies, God help Pennsylvania.
I bring this up because Jack Murtha, who as a human being I am sure is not perfect, spent more than 30 years defending the United States as a Marine (I believe) before he became an elected critter in Pennsylvania. By comparison, the only thing I can tell Diana Irey has done is spent a LOT of time in a beauty salon having lots of highlights added to her hair and even more time in front of a mirror perfecting her "image".
Her Web site is filled with ineffectual crap like "Defeatocrat" and "You Don't Know Jack".
Ms. Irey, let me suggest it is you who does not know Jack. I know what Murtha has done for his country while I have difficulty believing you would do anything that might muss your manicure.
You've got some nerve, lady (and I use that term loosely). You can't even be honest enough with voters to indicate your political party affiliation (but hey, if I was a Bush GOPer, I'd be damned embarrassed, too).
Also, I spotted at least four lies on one page of your Web site (like making Murtha sound like he's the only one who votes for Congresstional pay raises; hell, I know a few Dems who vote against them, but I can't name a single damned Republican who has done so and they're the party in power) and I don't even know Pennsylvania all that well.
So, Ms. Irey, since you've decided to push yourself into my email two-three times a day, let ME do a greater service to Pennsylvania than I bet you ever shall:
Voters of Pennsylvania:
Do the right thing by your state: keep Irey out of Congress.
If she lies to you now, imagine what she'll do if she gets elected.
Let her do what she does best: get her hair, nails, and makeup done.
Jack Murtha has done the right thing by you re: Iraq.
Don't trust Irey to bring your sons and daughters home from trumped-up wars.