I "borrowed" access to say just one more thing here, one I think is vitally important.
In 2000, few people believed anyone like George Bush and his ilk could gain power. He did.
In 2004, few people believed that George Bush and his ilk would retain power. But they did.
Questionable electronic voting procedures (not just electronic voting directly but through highly questionable electronic scanning of even paper ballots), vote fixing, manipulation of public terror, and wholesale corruption can very well keep us from any changes this November OR in 2008.
This blog, others like it, and everyone must work together to ensure that the questionable voting is neutralized (sure, Republicans can win but let's damned well make sure they were the voters' will and not purchased through errant code programmed into machines and other special interest programs), that freedom and democracy CAN reign again - when they have not in some time.
Normal Reps, Dems, Indies, and others must come together to fight the culture of corruption in WHATEVER camp it exists.