I like EJ Dionne, I do. But he now, along with many others, are telling us that liberals and Dems should adopt some of the rights' favorite causes.
I understand this to some degree. I do. But I'm so sick and tired of being told that the future has to be the past. That we can't go forward because the 1940s and 1950s were so damned good.
I'm not gay and probably at this stage in my life, I probably am not likely to discover I am. But I feel zero threat from gay marriage. Or from non-trad families. I was glad when my adopted state adopted civil unions, but it's kind of discriminatory, still. In fact, it even discriminates against non-gays because heterosexuals who choose not to marry cannot benefit from civil union status.
I'm not willing to shoot somebody for trying to get into this country - although these days, I might question their mental health. The Native American part of me reminds all of the rest of us, "You're all immigrants!" And Mexicans, btw, are Native Americans.
I don't want to pretend that teenagers won't have sex or pretend that every pregnant girl or woman can or should have that minute collection of cells that will ultimately become a human being.
I don't want to celebrate the arrival of the 300 millionth American this October because we're overdrawn on the environment and land and we don't just need lots more humans than the planet currently has.
I'm tired to having people like the Bushies take every advantage of today's technology and possibilities but argue that the rest of us need to live like it's 1944.
Am I the only one?