Josh Marshall says this far better than I do, but I read with open mouth the article on ABCnews implying Kerry lied about his war medals when not one damned thing Mr. Bush does - however removed from verifiable truth - is ever referred to as a lie.
Bush, Cheney and Delay lied and cheated their way through their military obligations (Cheny and Delay were busy elsewhere, while Bush played a pilot when it was convenient). Yet none of them have an issue with ripping apart someone who did go, sacrifice, and serve. Any media who fails to recognize that is a toady.
[Ed. Note: I put the specific title "Bush GOP Style" for a reason. I don't believe the majority of Republicans think or choose to operate quite the way people such as Bush, Cheney, and Rove think and operate. I believe a lot of people joined the Republican Party because they saw it as a party of economic and perhaps even personal responsibility, of values that spoke of their own, etc. What the GOP has become under Bush/Cheney, Rove and Delay, however, is quite another matter. But just as Democrats often have quite an issue with their party leaders and still feel an affinity for the party, I suspect Republicans, uncomfortable with the rhetoric and meanness, still choose to align themselves with the party as a whole.]