
So Why oh Why Is White House Pushing Appointment of John Bolton to the U.N. When He's Been There Ruining the U.N. For More Than a Year

If you've asked this question, give yourself a pat on the back and a cigar (the banana-flavored bubblegum type, if you please). The truth is that John Bolton probably would not have been approved by the Senate as U.N. ambassador because he's incompetent, power mad, and anything but a diplomat (which makes him a perfect Bushie!). So the president pushed him in behind the scenes, where he's been an unqualified disaster whom even our pals in England have complained about endlessly.

Now the president wants to force the Senate to approve the man who's done such a bad job in the last year. They've been trotting Bolton out to the powerful Israeli lobby as the man who can make sure Israel will not be faulted for what it does in Lebanon.

And, of course, the White House always gets what it wants, like a spoiled child.