
Happy Independence Day

Let's see, on this day we (cough) celebrate that:

crooks are running the country (literally)

Bush's base wants you to be free to only believe in what they want you to believe (that women were created from the rib of man, that abstinence is the only good form of contraception, that global warming is just a theory and that God will smite you for using the brain and the free will He gave you)

even if you vote the crooks out of office, rigged voting machines will force the right's candidate of choice down our collective throats

fat old rich white men always know what's better for a woman than she does

brown people (including Hispanics and Muslims and "coloreds") don't matter

free speech is a good thing if you're Karl Rove, Rick Santorum, or Bill Bennett but a very, very bad thing if you're Cindy Sheehan, Bruce Springsteen, or a reporter with The New York Times

paying people a sustainable wage will bankrupt the billionaires at Wal*Mart

Did I miss anything?