
GOP Walkout in Maryland

Remember when the Dems in Texas walked out because Tom DeLay's folks railroaded through a disastrous redistricting plan? The rabid wing of the GOP party savaged those Dems for doing so, calling them whiny cry babies and telling them they were crap for not standing up and staying put.

Well, gosh... now the Maryland GOP has done the same thing. Of course, they are NOT criticizing themselves because... you know... they're sure they aren't whiny cry babies but principled people. Cough.

Republicans in the Maryland Senate unplugged their computers, picked up their belongings and marched out of the chamber yesterday afternoon in protest of a frantic push by Democrats to pass a stack of hotly contested bills.

Infuriated members strode up the marble State House staircase to the offices of Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. (R), who applauded them for the rare walkout and declared that four years of "monopoly frustration has come to a head."
They're frustrated by four years of monopoly behavior? Really? Because we've put up with in for ages now under Bush-Cheney-Frist-Hastert-DeLay and we're simply told to shut up and "get over it".