
Speaking of Mr. Rumsfeld's Nonsense

While the DoD is busy, with Bush, cutting services and pay and health care for the military currently fighting their bogus wars, Rumsfeld pushed for THIS nonsense to defense contactor staff as reported by WaPo at The Washington Monthly's Political Animal Blog:

    Starting this month, U.S. government civilians serving in Iraq and in Afghanistan outside of Kabul are receiving an extra 35 percent above their base salaries for hardship and another 35 percent for danger. Previously, they were paid 25 percent extra for each category, the limits the government had set decades ago for any foreign post.

    ...."The idea was to recognize service at our most difficult and dangerous posts, and foremost among those posts are Iraq and Afghanistan," said a senior State Department official.
But I thought things were going fine in Iraq and it was only the traitorous fifth columnists in the media who were making it look dangerous?