
Bruce Willis Proves His IQ Isn't All in His Scrotum

Lessee: the $25 million reward the US has been offering for awhile now hasn't done any good, so I figure Bruce knows his million is safe.

Also from TalkLeft:

Actor Bruce Willis is offering $1 million to any civilian who captures Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri or Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

Dog the Bounty Hunter has said several times he'd love to find Osama.
    Question: How about finding Osama or someone else in the Middle East? Could you do it?

    Dog: Absolutely. Waiting for the phone call from GW.
On CNBC, Dog said he could find Osama in 90 days.

Bruce, meet Dog. Dog meet Bruce.
Boy, you put Dog and Bruce together and you've got the IQ of Bush's dog Barney, who is more than 5x as smart as a Bush twin - Jenna or Barbara.