
Does Bush Believe He Can Spin Reality Back His Way?

From the Stranger at Blah3:

Good op-ed here.
    Welcome to the real world, Mr. President. Any ideas on what to do now? I'm looking forward to seeing this investigation Bush intends to personally launch.

    But why go through the motions? Just put out the report now blaming every failure on Louisiana's Democrats. Early on, Bush decided that his administration would adopt a "perception equals reality" approach to governance and stick to that playbook regardless of what America's lying eyes saw: a "Healthy Forests" initiative that opened federal forests to aggressive logging, a "Clear Skies" proposal that allowed more mercury emissions and air pollution from coal plants.

    It was an easy magician's trick, since only those pointy-headed poindexters would appreciate the implications. But pictures of people - Americans - trapped atop flooded houses with bloated bodies floating by, while our secretary of state buys overpriced shoes on Fifth Avenue and the president stumps at a golf resort, can't be dissembled.
I'm betting that Bush and his thugs feel that they're finally starting to spin back the ill will that a week of letting Americans die generated.

I kinda doubt it.