
Conspiracy, She Wrote

I enjoyed reading everyone's comments in the Conspiracy thread, including Xavier's which I thought was very well-reasoned.

There's one (conspiracy concept) making the rounds lately that's troubling just because you could just about imagine it going down. It also seems to be at least in part based on a piece in American Conservative magazine (yeah, I read it sometimes - it makes more sense than a Tucker Carlson or a Bob Novak) re: Dick Cheney's new obsession with going after Iran.

Anyone heard this one?

Next month, quite possibly very close to the 9/11 anniversary, there will be a major assault on some US property (not necessarily homeland but definitely something we feel strongly about). Immediately, this administration will announce it is the work of Iran, and suggesting that perhaps Iran was in with Saddam on 9/11/01. We'll go to war with Iran at this time.

A programmer at my local radio station has been telling this one, trying to distribute it to as many as possible so that a) if something does happen, perhaps 3 people will remember the prediction, and b) to perhaps deter the Bushies from going forth.

Yet I've been hearing variations on this same possibility for a couple of months now, and from some of the mighty-righty discussion areas.

Personally, I really hope this is all nutso conspiracy because the ramification of it, should these events come to pass, is just too horrific to consider.