
The Arnold

So now it's coming out - as it did BEFORE Schwarzenegger was elected in "Cally-foh-knee-ah" - that he has been having a longstanding affair with an actress-not-quite. However, the scandal here seems to be less about the extramarital squeeze and more about the fact that the Arnold appears to have made an extremely lucrative deal with a tabloid - the same tabloid owned by the folks who ran those "muscle men" mags Arnold was making a huge monetary sum from - to hide the info about the mistress.

The thing is, this is just sleaze. Far worse is the fact that Arnold came into office promising reform from special interests only to cater to the special interests even more than his predecessor. He's been doing a pretty bad job of a position (governor) he may not be able to spell.

So forgive me if I yawn at another sanctimonious, lying, two-timing "family values" Republican porking someone other than his wife. How about getting rid of him for all the legitimate reasons?