
Fear and Loathing in Conspiracy Theory

I heard something this morning that sounds pretty outrageous but I'm trying to find a link to learn more.

The story in a nutshell as I got it: A Toronto Star reporter talked with Hunter S. Thompson on the day before his death. Thompson said he was researching the WTC attack and may have said he had conclusive proof that a series of specially implanted detinations within the WTC actually brought the towers down rather than just structural issues exacerbated by those big planes flying into them. In the same conversation, Thompson voiced concern for his life, saying he would be "suicided" because of what he'd dug up.

Now, long time readers will recall that I'm pretty resistant to laying 9/11 directly on Bush or any of the other half dozen groups raised in most of the theories. I still have a few questions about why we could never see a plane hanging out of the Pentagon, but that's another story. Add Hunter S. to the mix, and I could see him perhaps juicing up a story knowing he planned to kill himself (if his widow is to be believed). The last interview I saw with Hunter was a couple years back on Tim Russert, Thompson promoting a new book highly critical of Bush.

Still, I'd like to learn more about this tale. So if anyone has seen a link to it, I'd love it (relatively speaking) if you'd share it with me.