
A Few Well Chosen Words About Our VP, Mr. Cheney

From Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA):

"When I hear this coming from Dick Cheney, who was a coward, who would not serve during the Vietnam War, it makes my blood boil," Harkin said. "Those of us who served and those of us who went in the military don't like it when someone like a Dick Cheney comes out and he wants to be tough. Yeah, he'll be tough. He'll be tough with somebody else's blood, somebody else's kids. But not when it was his turn to go."
Thank you thank you thank you to Oliver Willis for the pointer.

Chick... chick... chick... chickenhawk Cheney and his other priorities.

No, not everyone who chooses not to go to war is a coward. But Cheney never disagreed with Vietnam. He just did everything in careful calculation so the closest he got to Vietnam was walking past a recruiting poster in a post office.