
Poor, Poor Condi

I'm listening today - now on Wolf Blitzer's CNN program on Sunday but also throughout the last few days - that Clarke's criticism is just oh, so terribly unfair to Condi Rice and that she deserves a chance to rebut him.

Unfair to Condi? Or was Condi's behavior directly responsible for events that helped conspire to allow the level of damage that occurred on 9/11 to be carried out?

The people in the White House and beyond are supposed to serve us. They did a damned poor job of it on 9/11. Condi would never consider apologizing for what she allowed to happen. Fine. Insincere apologies matter little in any situation, and certainly wouldn't help this one. But to treat this like poor Condi is the only one injured.. or is injured at all compared to what happened to this country... is egregious.

The only thing Dr. Rice deserves is to lose her job, be publicly branded as the partisan shill that she is, and maybe lose her rights to go shopping (as she constantly does) at all of DC's upscale stores. Of course, public flogging would be nice, too. Cough.