
Too Much Shit - Too Little Time

I just dropped a note about Haiti and this reminds me of a problem that I notice more and more each day: there is so much crap going on around the world right now, seeming to heighten every week, that it's impossible to feel like you have a good grasp on any particular issue right now, even for those (what seems like) relative few who care.

Between our posture of supporting landmines, questions about what's really going on in Haiti, the widespread terror and horror being wrought in the name of the "War Against Terror", the Iranians reporting we've had Osama for awhile but we're keeping him on ice for an "October surprise" guaranteed to hand Mr. Bush the WH again, to John Ashcroft treating the Bill of Rights like a diaper wipe, to new flu strains that could reach pandemic proportions, to spying on the UN and Hans Blix and company, to shit happening globally in places we'll never see, and a Dept of Defense report that says our environment will soon be inhabitable because of global warming, there's just too much for any normal human to begin to fathom.

After all, we want to see the world a better place. No normal human wants to see this kind of raging fevered hint of human extinction.

And the media sure isn't going to report on it in 30 second soundbytes, either.