
Mary Kay LeTourneau

It's really hard to know what to say about this woman. I just hope a)her eggs are used up and b)they don't let her near children in a professional setting again. Oh yeah, and c)she has to get a job quickly to help support her SIX children all of whom have been just so terribly well served by her behavior.

Yes, the sixth grader she was involved with has now passed the age of adulthood, in chronology if not mentality and no, it's very difficult to say how much LeTourneau contributed to his screwed-up life considering it was this situation that helped get him involved with LeTourneau. I'm afraid that their "great love affair" may fade quickly now that it's a)no longer taboo and b)once financial opportunities arising from interviews fade.

At this point, the only victims left are her six children (four with her ex-husband, two with the then-underage boy).