Lori Hacking's Family
I was so impressed today listening to a press conference in which Lori's family, obviously deep in their grief, managed to wish their best to their in-laws, the Hackings.
All too often, these tragedies occur and families that once loved one another are split immediately and irreparably down the middle. When I hear something like this, where out of grief there can still be acknowledgement through the pain, I think, OK, maybe our humanity hasn't gone to hell.
I don't know what happened to Lori. But there was something about her family and her husband's family on TV that struck me as just genuinely nice, good people caught in a horrible nightmare. Sadly, I don't think this is uncommon - many murders are committed by people the victim knew, by people we wouldn't expect would do it. Yet we spend so much time erecting barriers from the dangerous rest of the world.