The Death of Habeus Corpus; Dead By The Hand of George W. Bush
Keith Olbermann's at it again - thank you, Keith - and in a way that shows you exactly how the articles of the Bill of Rights have been picked off, almost every one by the Bushies. Crooks and Liars has the transcript and the video which I strongly encourage you to read/watch.
However, I'd like to disagree that Article 3 is the only article of the Bill of Rights left.
My point of disagreement is this: re: the forcible quartering of the military in our homes, remember that the Bushies killed posse comitatus first and the military is more and more being used for policing. This is getting close to the death of Article 3.
But here's the killer: remember Bush's plan if and when the bird flu pandemic hits the U.S.? Right; if necessary, forcible quarantining in our homes by the military. Quartering fits here.