
Halle-Fucking-Luia: Huge Percent of Americans Support New, More Honest Investigation Into 9/11

From Vermont Commons (although I think the "more than 70 million" claim is a bit of an extrapolation, I do think we know NOTHING about what really happened on 9/11 and that it has been the express desire of the Bush White House to keep us in the dark, spoon fed pablum that helps them instead of truth):

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The poll is the first scientific survey of Americans' belief in a9/11 cover up or the need to investigate possible US governmentcomplicity, and was commissioned to inform deliberations at the June2~4 "9/11: Revealing the Truth, Reclaiming Our Future" conference inChicago. Poll results indicate 42% believe there has indeed been acover up (with 10% unsure) and 45% think "Congress or anInternational Tribunal should re-investigate the attacks, includingwhether any US government officials consciously allowed or helpedfacilitate their success" (with 8% unsure).

Utica, NY (PRWEB) May 22, 2006 -- 911Truth.org urges 2006 reformcandidates to recognize a powerful new constituency.

Although the Bush administration continues to exploit September 11 tojustif y domestic spying, unprecedented spending and a permanent stateof war, a new Zogby poll reveals that less than half of the Americanpublic trusts the official 9/11 story or believes the attacks wereadequately investigated.

The poll is the first scientific survey of Americans' belief in a9/11 cover up or the need to investigate possible U.S. governmentcomplicity, and was commissioned to inform deliberations at the June2~4 "9/11: Revealing the Truth, Reclaiming our Future" conference inChicago. Poll results indicate 42% believe there has indeed been acover up (with 10% unsure) and 45% think "Congress or anInternational Tribunal should re-investigate the attacks, includingwhether any US government officials consciously allowed or helpedfacilitate their success" (with 8% unsure).

The poll of Americanresidents was conducted from Friday, May 12 through Tuesday, May 16,2006. Overall results have a margin of sam pling error of +/- 2.9. Allinquiries about questions, responses and demographics should bedirected to Zogby International.

According to Janice Matthews, executive director of 911truth.org, "Tothose of us who have followed the mounting evidence for US governmentinvolvement in 9/11, these results are both heartening and franklyquite amazing, given the mainstream media's ongoing refusal to coverthe most critical questions of that day. Our August 2004 Zogby pollof New Yorkers showed nearly half believe certain U.S.officials 'consciously' allowed the attacks to happen and 66% want afresh investigation, but these were people closest to the tragedy andmost familiar with facts refuting the official account. Thisrevelation that so many millions nationwide now also recognize a 9/11cover up and the need for a new inquiry should be a wake up call forall 2006 political candidates hoping to turn this country around. Wethink it also indicates Americans are awakening to the larger patternof deceit that led us into Constitutional twilight and endless war,and that our independent media may have finally come of age."

Poll co-author W. David Kubiak concurs, saying "Despite years ofrelentless media promotion, whitewash and 9/11 Commission propaganda,the official 9/11 story still can't even muster 50% popular support.Since this myth has been the administration's primary source ofpolitical and war-making power, this level of distrust hasrevolutionary implications for everyone working for peace, justiceand civil liberties. If we ever hope to reclaim this country, end aggression and restore international respect, we all must finallyscrutinize that day when things started to go so terribly wrong. Themedia and movement leaders ignore this call at their peril, becausetens of millions are clearly telling us here they are ready for 9/11truth."
Uh.. I did not edit this and it sure needed editing. But I approve whole heartedly of a true independent look.