
The Price of Life in Iraq

Posted by Susan at Easy Bake Coven:

    Hameed Hassan sat in the remains of his car, next to his dead wife, and watched his four-year-old son begin to bleed to death.The family had been on the way to buy clothes in Rawah's small market when the American soldiers opened fire. A helicopter gunship joined in the attack, cutting the car and two of its occupants to pieces.

    A dead family member brings $2,500, while a television destroyed by a hand-grenade is valued at $350.

    One entry in the 4/14 Cavalry compensation log reads: "blown-up house, pay $1,300". Another: "destroyed boat, $20". Others include a blown-up potato field and irrigation equipment ($2,000), a damaged door in a hospital ($50) and a burned-down store ($2,500).

    During the past two months about $100,000 has been paid out to Iraq residents of the Rawah region for damages caused by the U.S. 4/14 Cavalry and its predecessors. It's so beyond crass to have such a small pittance placed upon the killing of an innocent loved one. As if the war wasn't fucked up enough already.Link