
CalPundit Smells Something, too

Kevin at CalPundit today notes that Glenn Reynolds miraculously - and oh so early - has all these anecdotes from people who are saving vast amounts of money under the new Bush tax cuts. Unless Glenn has a direct line to Fortune 500 CEOs who are so obsessive about their taxes that they rush to finish them in the first two weeks of the new year, I'd agree that something seems a bit off here.

Most polls, by contrast, say that only those earning in excess of $75,000 have noticed any decrease whatsoever and that the higher one goes, the bigger the savings. Meanwhile, the IRS seems to be far more aggressive about getting every penny from those earning $50K and less.

Gee, I wonder what Bill Bennett's tax return looks like. How does one report massive earnings at casinos, anyway? Not to mention all those wonderful perks they gave him. Of course, that didn't stop Beyond-Repute Bill from snarking at Pete Rose for gambling. Bill apparently got an overabundance of the gene responsible for being sanctimonious.