A Day in Iraq Through the Eyes of the Iraqi Press
The incomparable Greg Mitchell of Editor & Publisher brings us a look at Iraq through the eyes of Iraqi journalists, a here-to-fore unacknowledged point of view, with a take from the coverage in the press for a particular day:
With the crisis somewhat to the west in the Middle East still escalating -- promising severe blowback for the U.S. -- the latest horrors from Iraq are drawing less attention.
In case anyone is wondering: It's not getting any better over there. In fact, one might say it is getting worse almost every day. Saturday brought the usual round of car bombings, mortars hitting houses, U.S. troops killed, plus 50 Iraqis abducted.
Ever wonder how the newly "free" Iraqi press is covering the conflict? This gets very little notice in the U.S., which is shocking, since one would expect we could learn an awful lot about he hearts and minds of the people that way -- if the Iraqi coverage is really open and tough-minded.