Another Take on Cat Blogging
BadTux brings us this:
Howdy, folks, Bubba the Southern Penguin here for Friday Cat Killer Bloggin' starring Senator Bill Frist. I is a day late, but look, Darlene locked me out of the bedroom all last week refusin' to do her Biblical duties and I was, like, too desperate to be thinkin' about writin', though I see down there in Badtux's blog that May is a month dedicated to another solution to that problem (but Jesus's General tells me that massacre'ing them spermatzoan-Americans would be murder, so I ain't doin' that!). Anyhow, in today's episode, those LIE-beral commies whine about our glorious Dr. Mengele of the cat world and his friends in Congress is takin' lotsa free trips on corporate jets. Well, I got just this one thing to say about them LIE-berals: What do you'uns have against good ole' American business?Oh, and don't forget, unless we have to pray at our homes and offices to these people's sense of God, the terrorists have won.
Look, if you don't let the corporations run America, THE TERRORISTS HAVE WON! These immortal artificial peoples have rights too, y'know! And tryin' to keep them from bribing Congressmen and Senators is UN-AMERICAN and downright COMMUNISTIC! We're SUPPOSED to have the best government that money can buy. It's called FREE ENTERPRISE!
Mind you, I'd argue that the terrorists win when we do bow to these people.