Why Are the Great Voices Quiet on the Call for Military Recruits
I see that Kos and I were having similar thoughts, at least the last few days. This post mirrors some of my own thinking:
Where is Rush Limbaugh's plea to his listeners to enlist? How about Sean Hannity? Bill O'Reilly? Nevermind they passed on serving their nation when they had a chance. Why aren't they using their influence to encourage military service?Well, I don't think the issue is the latter part. Yes, DeLay, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Bush, Lieberman, Frist, and company all avoided military service. But since when do they care that they tell others to do something they're unwilling to do themselves?
How about President Bush? Where is he in this important issue? Joe Lieberman? Bill Frist? Tom DeLay? Sure, they shirked their duty given the chance. But since they're cheering the quagmire in the Gulf, shouldn't they be working balls-out to ensure we have the resources to fight their war?
Cowards, the lot of them. Mouthing "support" for the troops means nothing unless those troops have the manpower and equipment to fight the war effectively.
Yet they do no such thing. Why? It doesn't hurt that the draf-dodging lot of them have no credibility asking others to sacrifice when they themselves couldn't lift a finger in service to their nation when their nation needed them most.
I have wondered why they're silent on the issue of recruitment. For myself, in their position (God forbid), I could not ask anyone to serve in a war I thought was unjust. Iraq had nothing to do with the security of Mom and Pop America and everything to do with profits for Halliburton, the securement of oil for Bush family friends, and Junior's desire for swagger. Afghanistan just wasn't enough for him. Watch him: he really gets off on the Commander in Chief shit.
I've wondered if their quiet is because:
- * they fear the backlash if/when America wakes up from its 9/11 coma
* they figure there will always be enough poor lads to go
* they know that if they fire the draft bullet, they can spin it around to be a good thing
Yet neither does their silence in appealing for recruits.