

CK shares this post from Liz Michael re: New Orleans and the mayor. Thoughts?

New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin narrowly escaped having a universal death warrant placed on his head last week. How do I know this to be true? Because I was the one who planned to call for his execution.

Last week, Ray Nagin called for the confiscation of all weapons from all people except police officers. Such an act would have left most of New Orleans defenseless against roving bands of armed thugs. And I mean the ones that weren't wearing police or military uniforms. Accordingly, I had written an advisory that because of that order, New Orleans Police should be considered a hostile force by Americans, their officers should be shot, their vehicles and offices bombed, and their destruction in whatever manner. And the person who gave the order, Mayor Nagin, would have been the first person on the list I would have advised The People to go after.

Fortunately, common sense prevailed. Apparently, the New Orleans Police themselves, and several military troops, advised the powers that be that this was not going to happen. Many cited constitutional reasons. Others just plain weren't going to go in to do the job and get shot themselves by law abiding citizens enforcing their rights. Some just didn't want the victimization of the People of New Orleans by armed thugs not wearing police uniforms to actually be on their conscience. So the order was rescinded. Quietly and without much fanfare. Probably because of embarrassment.

Albeit I am a sinner, following the example of Yaheveh, to wit: repent of your sin, and I will repent of the judgment I had earmarked. Since Ray Nagin and the New Orleans Police reversed themselves and decided not to pursue this unconstitutional avenue, I too, will reverse myself, and not call for their assassination.

But THIS is how close it came.
There's a lot more there, and prepare to take time to digest. Some I agree with, some I'm appalled by (on various levels). Suspect you may feel the same, but I'd love to see some other thoughts.