Nobody Does Expensive, Abusive, NumbNutz Cronyism Like the Bushies
Posted by Cookie Jill at Skippy:
don't put julie on ice, ice babynow the gop party is jumpingwith big bass kicked in, bushco peeps are pumpin'quick to the point, to the point all fakingthey're cooking alibhis like a pound of baconburning rules cuz they think they're nimblegoing all out with morals big as thimblesice baby all vanilla, ice ice baby all vanillathe bush administration is seeking to appoint a lawyer with little immigration or customs experience to head the troubled law enforcement agency that handles those issues, prompting sharp criticism from some employee groups, immigration advocates and homeland security experts.
...her uncle is air force gen. richard b. myers, the departing chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. she married chertoff's current chief of staff, john f. wood, on saturday.- wapo
...but then myers getting the nod for the top ice post should come as no surprise. her predecessor was actually appointed to one of the highest-profile u.s. attorney posts in the country (in manhattan) after running up a huge budget deficit at ice (hundreds of millions of dollars in red ink).