
Rolling Stone Magazine Isn't The Only One Mystified

Stranger at Blah3 brings us this related to the smoking gun, the trumped up war, and the Downing Street Memo (yes, I link to it often!):

Nice to see RS upping the political content these days. We need 'em now more than ever, and they're doing a real good job.
    I haven't blogged on this outrage for two weeks, assuming naively that this would become front-page, CNN Headline news any day now. You would think, after all, that 90 Congressional Democrats signing a letter to the President demanding that he explain how he could have "secretly agreed to attack Iraq in the summer of 2002, well before the invasion and before you even sought Congressional authority" would make a few waves.

    But the U.S. media world has just so far simply shrugged. Where did the major dailies play the story? Washington Post: A-18. New York Times: A-9 (buried in a political analysis handicapping of Blair's electoral chances.) The LA Times: A-3.

    Indeed, search on GoogleNews for mention of the Democrat's letter and you'll get two hits: The Washington Post's ombudsman -- taking his paper to task for not covering it -- and Aljazeera.com.

    You know you're in trouble when the American newspaper taking charge on this story is the The New York Review of Books.
You can say that again.